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 Vessels and mixers
Vessels and mixers
Vessel. Standard sizes
SC Metal Market LLC offers wide range of equipment, including non-standard one and according to your drawings.
We are capable of supplying of the following tanks and vessels equipment:
- Vertical and horizontal vessels V=up to 100 m3;
- Vertical steel tanks V=up to 1000 m3;
- Vessels under pressure;
- Vessels with mixers.
All equipment may be offered as per standards as well as per technical specifications and data sheets.
The main business activity of our company in the sphere of technological activity is offering of engineering solutions and calculation and organization of manufacturing of apparatus with mixing elements, which meet nowadays requirements for efficiency, reliability and ease of use.
Apparatus with mechanical mixing elements are used for conducting various technological processes in liquid single-phase and multiphase mediums with density up to 2000 кг/м3. Apparatus are produced of volume from 0,10 до 100 м3 of carbon, low alloy and high alloy steel grades, nickel and titanium alloys.
Apparatus with mechanical mixing elements allow conducting of technological processes which require mixing: homogenization, suspending, emulsifying, dispergation, heat transfer and others, including those that are accompanied with chemical reactions.
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For more details please contact.
(495) 268-01-65
Working hours:
Monday - Friday
8-00 - 20-00